Frequently Asked Questions

In the Orders section of my account what does the Status mean?

Pending Payment: Your order remains unpaid.
Note: All subscriptions and orders for Digital Editions must be prepaid before they are supplied.

Processing: Your order has been paid and will be supplied to you.

On Hold: Your order is currently on hold. We will notify you of the specific reasons why we have put your order on hold.

Completed: All items have been supplied and the order has been paid.

Cancelled: Your order has been cancelled and will not be supplied.

Failed: There was a failed payment attempt for your order.

How do I create an account?

When you place an order for the first time an account will be automatically created for you. A welcome email (Subject line: Your The Spinney Press account has been created!) will be sent to you. That email will include your password details.

Note: You can change your password in your Account details after you login.

How do I find out if my school already has an account?

You will need to contact us to find out if your school already has an account. We will then notify you of the current contact person for your school’s account.

What email address(es) should we use when ordering Digital Editions?

The Billing address email is the user login and the contact person for the account.

If your account has a different Shipping address email to the Billing address email, the Shipping address email will only receive notifications for when the Digital Editions (PDF files) are available to download.

The Shipping address email does not have a login. If the user wants a different Shipping address email contact person to access the account, they will have to share their login details with that other person.

Note: It is the Shipping address email that will appear discretely at the bottom of every page of the Digital Edition as part of the digital watermark which states that the Digital Edition is licensed for exclusive use by your school.

What is the difference between the Billing email address and the Shipping email address?

The Billing email address IS your account user login and the Shipping email address is used for watermarking your Digital Editions.

Can we have more than one user login?

For privacy and security reasons there can only be ONE (1) user login for your school’s account.

How do I change the account user login?

Before changing your account user login you need to make sure the Shipping email address in the Shipping address section is up to date as you will no longer be able to change it if you change the account user login email address as YOU WILL BE logged out and will no longer have access.

Note: The Billing email address IS your user login email address so if it is changed you will be logged out. The Shipping email address is used for Digital Edition watermarking.

If you are changing your account user login to give access to a new person please follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to your account (using your email and password)
  • Click on Account details
  • Change the First name, Last name and Email address to the new contact person.
    Note: Before changing your account user login you need to make sure the Shipping email address in the Shipping address section is up to date as you will no longer be able to change it if you change the Account user login email address as YOU WILL BE logged out and will no longer have access.
  • Make sure there is a Display name.
    Note: It CANNOT be an email address!
  • Leave the three fields below Password change blank (i.e. Current password, New password, Confirm new password)
  • Click on the Save changes button
  • Logout (you will no longer be able to login using your email)
  • You will receive an email notifying you that the email for your Spinney Press account has been changed
  • You will need to notify the new contact person that their email address is now the account user login
  • They will then need to use their email address for the account user login and click Reset my password
  • They will then receive an email with a link to allow them to create a new password for the account.

When are my Digital Editions sent to me?

All Digital Editions must be prepaid before they are available for download.

You will be notified via email that your Digital Editions are available for download in your account on The Spinney Press website.

How do I download my Digital Editions?

Digital Editions files can be downloaded from your account on The Spinney Press website in the Downloads section. Once you purchase your Digital Editions, you will be notified via email as soon as they are available in your account for download.

Note: Digital Editions must be prepaid before they are available for download.

Where do I find my recently ordered Digital Editions?

All Digital Editions can be found on The Spinney Press website in the Downloads section of your account. The Digital Editions are listed by volume number with the most recent appearing at the top. To find an older title you can do a general find in your browser (not the search function on the website) to search for a specific title or volume number.

What security measures do I need to take in order to host Digital Editions online?

Under the terms of the Digital Editions licence agreement, you are required to ensure your Digital Editions are not accessible by the general public and are only available for download by students and staff at your school through a secure password-based login.

Important Note: Do not supply the login details for your account on The Spinney Press website for general use by school staff and students (see below for further details).

Can I make my Digital Editions available for general use by my school staff and students by using my account login on The Spinney Press website?

NO, this is not advisable. Previously purchased Digital Editions are stored in the Downloads section of your account’s on The Spinney Press website, however this is for the purpose of initial delivery, and for you to re-download if you have misplaced your Digital Edition files.

Under your Digital Editions licence agreement with The Spinney Press you are required to securely host the Digital Editions on your school’s own network.

Note: There are also privacy issues associated with providing your login details to a third party including the ability to edit contact information and place orders.

What is the reason for the digital watermark on my Digital Editions?

The digital watermark, which discretely displays your Shipping address email and school’s name at the bottom of each page, identifies your school as the exclusive licence holder of your Digital Editions for copyright purposes.

Note: It is the Shipping address email that will appear discretely at the bottom of every page of the Digital Edition as part of the digital watermark which states that the Digital Edition is licensed for exclusive use by your school.

What are the licence terms and conditions for Digital Editions?

All Digital Editions are supplied with a flexible Digital Editions licence agreement which allows your school to do unlimited copying and printing of your Digital Editions – as long as you manage them securely on your own school network or library/learning management system using a password login.

For more information: Digital Editions Licence (PDF) (190 Kb)

Does my school actually own our Digital Editions?

Yes, unlike ebooks hosted on ebook library lending platforms, your school does have direct control over how and where you use your Digital Editions. Please note, however, that you must adhere to the Digital Editions licence terms agreed to when purchasing your Digital Editions (i.e. you must host the Digital Editions securely via password login; you are not allowed to enable access/resell your Digital Editions to a third party etc).

Can I manage my Digital Editions on my online library or learning management system?

Yes, you may manage Digital Editions on your school library system (e.g. Oliver) or learning management system (e.g. Moodle) – as long as you manage them securely using a password login. You may need to consult your own IT support staff to assist in securely setting up the PDFs within your particular system.

Note: The Spinney Press is not able to offer direct IT support in relation to the hosting of Digital Editions on your school’s network.

How can I display my Digital Editions?

You may display Issues in Society cover thumbnails in your catalogue using images from The Spinney Press website (no permission required), or sourcing them from SCIS.

What are the interactive functions in my Digital Editions?

Go to the following link for full instructions on how to use the many interactive mark-up features in Digital Editions – How to use Digital Editions (PDF) (139 Kb).

Where can I find the categories for the Issues in Society titles?

Head over to the Book Promotions for Librarians page on this website and download the A4 Book library poster titled By general topic category.


I did not receive an email advising me that my Digital Editions are available for download.

Please check your spam/junk folder – if you still cannot find the email, log into your account on The Spinney Press website, go to the Downloads section and search for the relevant titles. If you are still unable to locate your Digital Editions contact The Spinney Press.

I do not have functioning Digital Edition files, can you re-supply them to me?

You may have lost, deleted or not backed up your Digital Edition files, or they may have become corrupted. In any of these situations, you can re-download your previously purchased Digital Editions from the Downloads section of your account.

Remember to download your Digital Editions upon purchase and store safely.

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