Final Releases

Previous 2022 Releases


About The Spinney Press

The Spinney Press has been dedicated to producing an ongoing series of books on social issues since 1992. Issues in Society titles are topical, cross-curricular resources and have been used extensively in Australian secondary schools, TAFE colleges, universities and public libraries.

After 30 years of publishing resources on current social issues, The Spinney Press has ceased further production of new titles in the Issues in Society series. We will continue to trade throughout 2024 and offer customer sales support for all back list Issues in Society print and Digital Editions – via email and online.

The last editions in the Issues in Society series (Volumes 479-484) were released in May 2022. If you need to download new or past Digital Editions from our website, please ensure you access your account before 31 December 2024.

Remember to download your Digital Editions upon purchase and store safely

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