January 2022 titles out now
January 21, 2022

As the nation re-emerges from the unprecedented disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, The Spinney Press team wishes all of its customers a safe return in 2022.
Of course, there are many important contemporary issues shaping our society other than COVID-19.
As The Spinney Press celebrates its 30th birthday, we reflect with pride on these new releases which continue our commitment – which we began back in 1992 – to present current social issues topics for you to explore:
New releases out now:
Understanding Sexual Consent
How do young people negotiate safe sexual contact together? What personal and societal pressures may contribute to non-consensual sex, and how do we promote a respectful culture of consent? Learn how to clearly define consent and to understand the personal and legal consequences of sexual assault.
Managing Australia’s Water
How can Australia achieve water reform and improve the allocation of water resources through fairer water trading rights and new infrastructure, preserve the Murray-Darling Basin for food security, address advancing climate change, acknowledge Indigenous water rights, deliver decent drinking water to all Australians, and ensure drought management plans are in place around the country?
Sexual Identity and Gender Diversity
Many LGBTQIA+ people face discrimination and prejudice that can affect their health, wellbeing, rights and opportunities. Issues explored across the sexual identity and gender diversity spectrum include coming out and disclosure, being an ally to LGBTQIA+ people, and addressing the human rights of the LGBTQIA+ members of our community.
Housing the Homeless
Every night 116,000 Australians are homeless, lacking safe, secure or affordable housing. What can governments do to properly address the homeless epidemic? How could more emergency housing, supported accommodation, private rental housing, and long-term affordable and social housing better meet demand for essential shelter?
Future of Transport
What does the future of transport look like? This book explores the viability of future modes of transport, with a focus on the transition to electric, hydrogen-powered and autonomous vehicles. Is Australia keeping up with the next transport revolution, or are we on the road to nowhere?
Body Image Issues
Body dissatisfaction and weight stigma can lead to debilitating physical and mental health consequences like eating disorders, body dysmorphic disorder, compulsive exercising, excessive dieting and cosmetic procedures. Explores how to understand and accept our ourselves, offering advice on how young people can build better body image.