July 2020 titles out now
July 20, 2020

The July issues are out now:
What is the state of volunteering Australia? Who are Australia’s volunteers and what activities are they involved in? And why don’t more people volunteer? This book explores the benefits of volunteerism, and provides advice aimed at young people on how to get involved in volunteering.
Attitudes to Immigration
Are Australians’ sentiments increasingly positive, negative or neutral? Are our immigration levels too high, or should they be increased, or paused? What is the impact of immigration on our shared quality of life?
Ageing Matters
The recent Royal Commission into aged care has highlighted many troubling cases of neglect and abuse of frail, elderly people which has shocked the nation. Ageism is still widespread, and common stereotypes continue to undermine and stigmatise the capacities of older people.
Journalism and Media Freedom
There is growing pressure to undertake legal reforms to protect the public’s right to information and to ensure freedom of the press in Australia. Is our healthy, functioning democracy under threat, or is the government simply protecting the security of the nation?
Loneliness and Social Isolation
Experts warn of a “loneliness epidemic” that could become our next public health crisis. What causes social isolation and loneliness and who experiences it? This book explores the extent and impacts of loneliness and isolation, and offers advice on how to encourage social connections so that you don’t have to go it alone.
Voluntary Euthanasia and Assisted Dying
What are the many ethical, religious, medical, legal and practical considerations? In certain circumstances, should we ever have a legal right to die?