
Australia’s Energy Debate

Volume 454

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781922274083

E-book ISBN: 9781922274090

Year: 2020


Categories: ,


Australia’s energy system is undergoing major transformation, driven by economic, environmental and engineering factors. Consumer preferences are also changing as we seek greater independence and control over our electricity supply through smart meters, solar panels, battery storage and electric vehicles. Most of Australia’s energy supply still heavily relies on its traditional, non-renewable resources of coal, oil and gas – yet Australia has plentiful clean energy renewable resources including solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy, wave and tidal power.

We also have the world’s largest reserves of uranium to rely on – should we ever decide to choose controversial nuclear power as part of our energy mix. A secure supply of affordable, reliable and environmentally sustainable energy is essential to the nation’s future growth and prosperity. What are the pros and cons of Australia’s various energy options? Are we adapting quickly enough to renewables or clinging too long to fossil fuels, at a time when other advanced economies are leaving non-renewables behind to counter the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change? Australia’s energy policy debate is far from settled – so how should we power into the future?

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