
Conserving Native Forests

Volume 452

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781922274045

E-book ISBN: 9781922274052

Year: 2020

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)

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Time is running out for the world’s forests, whose total land area is shrinking daily. Humans depend on forests for shelter, the food we eat, the air we breathe and the wood products we use. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for people, forests also protect biodiversity, prevent soil erosion and help to mitigate climate change. Global deforestation and forest degradation is a great problem requiring greater action.

This book looks at the current state of the world’s forests and progress towards more sustainable forest conservation globally. It also focuses on how Australia is managing and conserving its own native forests, with topics including forestry protection policies; tree-clearing and logging practices; the debate over native forest logging, including old growth forests; sustainable forestry practices, plantations and certification; and addressing habitat destruction and species loss. What are the sustainable solutions to deforestation and forest management – how do we see the forests for the trees?

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