
Dealing with Debt and Financial Stress

Volume 430

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339604

E-book ISBN: 9781925339611

Year: 2018

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)

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Australia’s economy has experienced a record quarter-century of sustained growth, however alarm bells are ringing over climbing household debt. Are we heading towards a debt crisis? Many Australians are struggling to meet their repayments for mortgages, investments, personal debt, student debt and credit card debt. It has been estimated that two million Australians are experiencing high financial stress which prevents them from coping in difficult situations and in the face of unexpected expenses. What is financial stress, and how do factors like housing affordability, higher debts and overspending on low incomes contribute to financial pressure? How does stretching the bottom line affect people’s health, relationships and financial security? This book is a helpful guide for young people to understand their personal finances, featuring ample advice on how to deal with debt, manage money through budgeting and savings, and develop financial literacy. Make the most of your money and learn how to manage debt, without the stress.

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