
Pornography and its Harms

Volume 439

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339789

E-book ISBN: 9781925339796

Year: 2019


Categories: ,


Nearly half of Australian children aged 9-16 years experience regular exposure to sexual images via the media, online and hand-held devices. Pornography does not exist in a digital vacuum, but rather within a broader social context which reinforces sexual attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes about gender, sexism, sexual objectification, unsafe sexual health practices and violence-supportive attitudes. What are the impacts of porn? How do young people navigate the risks and realities of intended and accidental exposure to explicit content?

This resource sensitively handles topics including ‘sexting’, image-based abuse, age verification, parental controls and communication with teens about pornography. The book explores interventions and initiatives aimed at educators, parents and young people to address the harms of pornography through promotion of online safety practices, critical thinking and discussion. How do we deal with the harms of early access to pornography and promote appropriate digital and sexual literacies for young people and their developing sexuality? “Sex sells” – but if it’s so freely available and left to its own devices – at what price?

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