
Religious Freedom and Discrimination

Volume 384

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781922084682

E-book ISBN: 9781922084699

Year: 2015

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)


Religious freedom is a fundamental human right, safeguarded by the Australian Constitution; individuals are free to express a diversity of views, as long as they do not incite religious hatred. This book provides an overview of the latest trends in religious affiliation in Australia. The book also explores human rights and religion in Australian law, in response to recent calls for stronger legislative recognition and protection of religious freedoms, including exemptions from anti-discrimination laws. How much vilification is experienced by religious groups in Australia? Should faith-based organisations be allowed to discriminate to ‘avoid injury to religious sensitivities’? Is there enough separation between religion and the state, or should Australia’s government be more secular? Even in a modern and tolerant multi-faith society such as Australia, religious freedom is a complex and contested concept – where does the balance lie? Chapter 1: Religion in Australia Chapter 2: Freedom of religion and belief Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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