
Sexual Identity and Gender Diversity

Volume 475

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781922274502

E-book ISBN: 9781922274519

Year: 2022

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)


Gender, sex and sexuality are separate, distinct parts of people’s overall identity, and are not always obvious or easy concepts to understand. Sexuality is about how you see and express yourself romantically and sexually. Gender refers to an internal sense of identity, while sex refers to the identity assigned to a person at birth based on physical characteristics. There are lots of ways to describe sexuality and gender, a number of which are captured by the term LGBTQIA+. Many LGBTQIA+ people face discrimination and prejudice that can affect their health, wellbeing, rights and opportunities.

This book explores a range of issues across the sexual identity and gender diversity spectrum, including issues such as coming out and disclosure, being an ally to LGBTQIA+ people, and addressing the human rights of the LGBTQIA+ members of our community. Not everyone’s identity and orientation is black and white. Learn how to acknowledge all people’s true colours with acceptance and understanding, and without prejudice.

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