
Terrorism and National Security

Volume 321

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781921507328

E-book ISBN: 9781921507373

Year: 2011

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)


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The threat of terrorism on Australian soil is a key feature of Australia’s security environment. The main source of international terrorism is from a global militant jihadist movement, which includes violent extremists such as al-Qaeda.

Is terrorism really a significant threat to the Australian community, or are unprecedented government powers and counter-terrorism laws of greater concern? What are the risks of attack from foreign or domestically based threats? Australia’s broader defence and security interests are undergoing changes in strategic planning, including upgrading air and sea power, and realigning our traditional alliance with the US while engaging with emerging regional giant, China. How vulnerable is Australia to attack – are we prepared?

Chapter 1: National security and counter-terrorism in Australia
Chapter 2: Anti-terrorism laws
Chapter 3: Australia’s defence and security interests
Worksheets and activities; Glossary; Fast facts; Web links; Index

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