Drugs and Alcohol Web Links

Marijuana and health

Alcohol and Drug Foundation www.adf.org.au
Australian Drug Information Network https://adf.org.au/resources/drug-information-directory/
Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation http://adlrf.org.au
Australian Drug Law Reform Initiative www.cjrn.unsw.edu.au/australian-drug-law-reform-initiative
Australian Medical Association – Marijuana https://ama.com.au/search/site/marijuana
Cannabis Information and Supoort https://cannabissupport.com.au/
Drug Aware www.drugaware.com.au
Drug info @ your library www.druginfo.sl.nsw.gov.au
Family Drug Support Australia www.fds.org.au
Medical Journal of Australia www.mja.com.au
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre http://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au
National Drugs Campaign https://campaigns.health.gov.au/drughelp
Somazone www.somazone.com.au
Turning Point www.turningpoint.org.au

Methamphetamine use and addiction

Australian Crime Intelligence Commission https://www.acic.gov.au/
Alcohol and Drug Foundation www.adf.org.au
Australian Drug Information Network https://adf.org.au/resources/drug-information-directory/
Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation http://adlrf.org.au
Australian Institute of Criminology www.aic.gov.au
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare www.aihw.gov.au
Australian Medical Association www.ama.com.au
Crystal Meth Anonymous www.crystalmeth.org.au
Drug ARM Australasia www.drugarm.com.au
Drug Aware http://drugaware.com.au
druginfo @ your library www.druginfo.sl.nsw.gov.au
Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform www.ffdlr.org.au
Family Drug Support www.fds.org.au
National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction http://nceta.flinders.edu.au
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre http://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au
National Drug Research Institute http://ndri.curtin.edu.au
National Drug Strategy www.nationaldrugstrategy.gov.au
Somazone www.somazone.com.au
Turning Point www.turningpoint.org.au
Your Room http://yourroom.com.au

Smoking and tobacco control

Australian Bureau of Statistics www.abs.gov.au
Better Health Channel www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au
Cancer Council Australia www.cancer.org.au
Cancer Council New South Wales www.cancercouncil.com.au
Cancer Council SA www.cancersa.org.au/quitline
Cancer Council Western Australia www.cancerwa.asn.au
Department of Health www.health.gov.au
National Heart Foundation of Australia www.heartfoundation.org.au
National Tobacco Campaign https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/national-tobacco-campaign
Quit Victoria www.quit.org.au
Smarter than Smoking www.smarterthansmoking.org.au
Tobacco in Australia www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au

Alcohol and harm prevention

Alcohol and Drug Foundation www.adf.org.au
Alcohol think again www.alcoholthinkagain.com.au
Australian Bureau of Statistics www.abs.gov.au
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare www.aihw.gov.au
Australian Medical Association www.ama.com.au
Better Health Channel www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au
Department of Health (Alcohol page) www.alcohol.gov.au
Department of Veterans’ Affairs www.therightmix.gov.au
Drug and Alcohol Training Australia (DARTA) http://darta.net.au
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) www.fare.org.au
MyDr www.mydr.com.au

Drug use and harm reduction

Alcohol and Drug Foundation www.adf.org.au
Australia21 www.australia21.org.au
Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation http://adlrf.org.au
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare www.aihw.gov.au
Department of Health www.health.gov.au/health-topics/drugs
Drug Advisory Council of Australia www.daca.org.au
Drug Free Australia www.drugfree.org.au
Drug Help (Department of Health campaign) www.campaigns.health.gov.au/drughelp
Drug Policy Australia www.drugpolicy.org.au/
Drug Policy Futures www.drugpolicyfutures.org
Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform www.ffdlr.org.au
Harm Reduction Australia www.harmreductionaustralia.org.au
Harm Reduction Victoria www.hrvic.org.au
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre http://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au
Pill Testing Australia www.pilltestingaustralia.com
Positive Choices www.positivechoices.org.au
ReachOut www.au.reachout.com

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