
Bushfire Safety

Volume 427

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339543

E-book ISBN: 9781925339550

Year: 2018

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)

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Bushfires and grassfires are common events throughout Australia, a land with a hot, dry climate. Every year bushfires occur across Australia, often taking human life and damaging property. Major firestorms such as Ash Wednesday and Black Saturday have left scars on the national psyche and are stark reminders of the destructive power of bushfires. The impacts of climate change are clear with the emergence of more extreme fire weather in recent years; increasingly, many Australians are exposed to potentially catastrophic bushfires. Understanding bushfires and the risks they pose to whole communities is critical if we are to be resilient to these most common and destructive of natural disasters. This book explores the basics of bushfires, how and where they occur, the threats they pose and the hazards they bring. The book also explains in detail how to effectively prepare your home for a bushfire, and when to safely leave. Future bush fires are expected to get worse. Learn now how to prepare, act and survive.

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