
End of Life Issues

Volume 414

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339284

E-book ISBN: 9781925339291

Year: 2017

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)

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Death eventually comes to claim us all, yet most people live in denial of it until they are confronted with their own mortality. In order to ultimately have a ‘good death’ – such as dying comfortably at home, supported by family and friends and effective services – discussion, decisions and planning are required to put things into place, knowing your family is acting according to your wishes. Planning for the end of one’s life may entail making an advance care plan; funeral and estate planning; palliative care; understanding the legal status and complexities of voluntary euthanasia; and being prepared for what to expect during a loved one’s final hours, including ensuing feelings of bereavement and loss. This book explores a range of issues for us all to anticipate and evaluate at some stage: end of life attitudes and decisions; end of life care; and coping with death and grief. What are your wishes and rights (and those of your loved ones) when it comes to the personal and practical considerations we have to deal with at the end of life? Chapter 1: End of life attitudes and decisions Chapter 2: End of life care Chapter 3: Coping with death and grief Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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