
Housing Affordability

Volume 400

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339000

E-book ISBN: 9781925339017

Year: 2016

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)

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The ‘great Australian dream’ is a belief that home ownership can personally lead to a better life and long-term financial security. Although this standard of living is already enjoyed by many, rising housing prices compared to average wages are making it increasingly difficult for others to achieve this dream, especially for those living in large cities. The affordability of housing in Australia is a major concern for many people. High house prices and rents are often beyond the reach of younger people in particular. What are the facts about housing in Australia – how do factors like low-interest home loans, tax breaks such as negative gearing, immigration and foreign investment impact on inequality in the housing market? This book presents the latest information on housing affordability and supply, and explores possible ways Australia can tackle housing unaffordability. What are the economic and social costs involved in putting a roof over your head? Chapter 1: Housing affordability and supply Chapter 2: Tackling housing unaffordability Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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