
Human Trafficking and Slavery

Volume 347

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781921507908

E-book ISBN: 9781921507915

Year: 2012

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)


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The global trade of trafficking men, women and children into the sex industry and labour markets has been the subject of growing public and international concern. Human trafficking is a complex, multi-faceted crime with no single solution. Many countries are affected by it in some way, and Australia, as a destination country for trafficking victims, is no exception. Many people think that slavery is a thing of the past, but slavery still occurs, focusing on big profits and cheap lives. Slavery is a crime against humanity and Australia has obligations to people who are held in conditions of slavery and servitude.

This book examines the trade and exploitation of people in forced labour, sexual servitude and debt bondage, and explains Australia’s domestic and international roles in combatting the trafficking and enslavement of people. Globally there are now more slaves than at any time in human history – 27 million human beings. How can the bonds of trafficked and enslaved people be broken and their rights restored?

Chapter 1: Slavery and human trafficking explained
Chapter 2: Australia’s response to human trafficking
Worksheets and activities; Glossary; Fast facts; Web links; Index

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