
Marijuana and Health

Volume 401

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339024

E-book ISBN: 9781925339031

Year: 2016

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)

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Cannabis, or marijuana, is the most widely used illegal drug in Australia, especially by young people. Marijuana is a potent and complex drug with a number of properties which can have applications for both recreational and medical purposes. This drug’s various side-effects include damage to physical and mental health and dependence. What exactly are the harms of recreational marijuana use, and how are its use, cultivation, and possession currently dealt with under Australian laws? What are the potential medicinal benefits in relation to relieving suffering for people with chronic and terminal illness? And what are the legal obstacles in Australia to introducing medicinal use, while at the same time banning it from recreational use and supply? This book explores the facts about cannabis use, looking at the drug’s known side-effects and potential medical benefits. Can cannabis help as much as it can harm? Chapter 1: How marijuana affects health Chapter 2: Medical cannabis debate Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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