
Social Media and Young People

Volume 415

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339307

E-book ISBN: 9781925339314

Year: 2017

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)

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Social media has revolutionised how most of us communicate; no one more so than teenagers and young adults, who spend on average 2-3 hours a day connected to social media sites. Online social networking provides young people with a range of positive opportunities to maintain social connections and share emotional support, learning and an almost infinite array of interests. However, social media use can also have negative impacts, such as excessive use, social isolation, loss of privacy, cyberbullying, anxiety and self-esteem pressures. This book examines the prevalence of social media use by young Australians, and explores its impacts on their wellbeing. The book also offers helpful tips on appropriate ways of using and staying safe on social media sites. How do young, developing digital natives get the balance right when so much of their lives is being lived online? Chapter 1: Young Australians and social media Chapter 2: Impacts of social media on wellbeing Chapter 3: Staying safe on social media Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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