
Tobacco Smoking

Volume 329

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781921507502

E-book ISBN: 9781921507519

Year: 2011

$28.00 (includes $2.55 GST)


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Tobacco smoking kills up to half of its users and has a global annual death toll of more than five million people. It is the largest cause of preventable death in the western world. Around 3 million Australians are daily smokers, many of whom are socially disadvantaged. This title reveals the toxic contents of tobacco and the health effects of smoking (including passive smoking) on the body.

The book also addresses a number of commonly held myths and misconceptions about the risks and impacts of smoking. A range of different quitting methods and products for overcoming nicotine addiction is also explored in detail. Another focus of this book is the role of government and legislation in controlling tobacco use and its marketing. Why do so many people continue to let their health go up in smoke?

Chapter 1: Tobacco use and health
Chapter 2: Quitting Smoking
Chapter 3: Tobacco control and marketing
Worksheets and activities; Glossary; Fast facts; Web links; Index

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