
Work and Family

Volume 462

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781922274243

E-book ISBN: 9781922274250

Year: 2021

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)

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It can be challenging and exhausting for working parents to hold down a job while also raising a family. In order to meet the costs of living, families often have two parents engaged in paid work – but at what personal cost? Why are mothers still earning less at work and doing more at home than fathers in relation to care and domestic duties? What are the stresses for parents in terms of work-life balance and work-family conflict? And how does child care help families to grow, learn and earn?

This book explores the realities of parenting and gender roles, and looks at how workers and employers can maintain sustainable work-family balance through family-friendly, flexible work options. It also reviews the role of affordable child care and how it supports the needs of children while sustaining workforce participation. What are the most effective ways to help families balance work and family life?

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