
Bullying and Young People

Volume 431

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339628

E-book ISBN: 9781925339635

Year: 2018

$30.00 (includes $2.73 GST)


Bullying involves one or more people repeatedly and deliberately harming, threatening or frightening someone with words, behaviour or actions. Bullying can be insistent and insidious and have devastating impacts on not just victims, but everyone involved. Bullying is, unfortunately, common among young Australians at school, online and via mobile phones.

This book identifies the various forms of bullying, explains its causes and effects, and presents advice on school anti-bullying strategies and how to tackle cyberbullying. Whether you are an educator, student, parent, bystander, offender or victim, there is an abundance of helpful information in this book to assist in understanding bullying and how to deal with it. Bullying is not okay, and should never be accepted as a regular part of growing up.

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