
Multiculturalism and Australian Identity

Volume 408

Editor: Justin Healey

Print book ISBN: 9781925339161

E-book ISBN: 9781925339178

Year: 2016

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Contemporary Australian society is a patchwork of cultural and ethnic diversity. Australians are largely embracing of multiculturalism and welcoming of those born overseas, however being ‘Australian’ can describe a broad range of characteristics, behaviours and attitudes. National identity and pride in being Australian regularly influence public debate in Australia, but they are not always clearly defined. How do Australians living in a multicultural society identify with their national identity, and how do they view themselves as citizens? This book examines Australia’s cultural diversity and the issue of social cohesion in light of its longstanding policy of multiculturalism. It also discusses a range of symbols and attitudes which define what it means to be Australian. Are multiculturalism and nationalism necessarily at odds? Chapter 1: Multiculturalism and social cohesion Chapter 2: Discussing Australian identity Worksheets and activities; Fast facts; Glossary; Web links; Index

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